I find myself trying to draw comparisons and gauge my abilities to parent B the G in the most ordinary and unusual situations. Like with Gordon. Gordon is my dog. I know very well that Gordon is not a child and there is no need for anyone and everyone to comment that having a dog is in no way like raising a child. I KNOW that. But it's really all I've got and like I said, I'm busy drawing comparisons with what I've got to work with. And frankly, and I always speak frankly on la blog, I think it's quite legitimate to draw a few parallels here.
Unlike B the G, I got to choose Gordon out of many, way too many, other beasts at the dog pound. All these beasts desperately need a good home much like all of the orphaned and institutionalized children out there. And there are just so many, it's hard to single out just one to help. But one is all I can manage, financially, emotionally and physically. Am I talking about dogs or kids? I don't even know. When you begin the adoption (child this time) process you are bombarded with photos and documentaries and websites featuring beautiful, diverse, babies and children. You want to read about each one and find out about each country and fantasize about each story. And somehow fate and finances, contacts and research, lead you down a path that starts to fit you. The path gets narrower and narrower as you choose country, agency, which then chooses region and orphanage. And at the end there's this little being that's going to call you Mom for the rest of your life. It's extraordinary. My path towards B the G is still narrowing and really won't end until right up to the time I get to Moscow, and see him/her.
It's different adopting from Russia because you don't actually get assigned a child until you get to Moscow. You get an invitation from Russia to come on over and they will have a baby there for you. Which baby, they're not saying. My agency says that the good news with this is that if I'm not happy with the health of the child with the first referral, they will assign you another child while you are there. This is a little troubling to me but brings me back full circle to Gordon, which is why I started this post.
Walking through the kennels, looking at dozens of dogs, I saw Gordon's sad face behind a manic shepherd mix that was bouncing up and down in front of me. Gordon looked like a sad clown. And I say that because I could tell the potential for a happier face was there, but had been beaten out of him by his circumstances. Plenty of other dogs there wore this same face and anyone who's ever been to a shelter knows this look. Gordon also had other things working against him. His tail for one. Half of it was gone and half of the half that was left had been shaved down and was scabby and mangled looking. It looked like a fresh sausage was stuck onto the end of his tail. How's that for a visual? Really not appealing. He had some sort of skin condition that was making his hair fall off in patches around his face and ears. They had just put him on flea and tick meds at the pound, but he still had a nice heaping helping of bloodsuckers on him that I tried frantically to pull off while Justin wasn't looking. Justin is not big on ticks. Oh, and he had contracted some sort of kennel cough while there and had developed a hearty, hacking cough accompanied by a green, runny nose.
Justin thought I was mad and asked me repeatedly if I was sure that I wanted that one. But I knew Gordon was in there, underneath the stupid "Ritchie" name tag they put on his kennel. And more than that, I knew that nobody, but nobody was going to take this sad little clown home if I didn't . So, cut to the chase, here we are three months later, and that's three months of cleaning up spit balls hacked up as we battle the upper respiratory infection, and wiping up snotty green piles from his leaking nose, and bathing him terrified and shaking in the tub and putting betadine on the skin condition that turned out to be ringworm and is very contagious to people. Three short months and I've got a honey of a dog who is healthy, happy, loyal and cracks me up every single day.
I'm not touting all of this to say what a hero I am to all of dogdom. But I am going to draw a puppy/people parallel and say that as nervous as I am about B the G's health, disposition, and personality, I know that a majority of the kids available for adoption are like my Gordon and that if given a chance, a home, some patience and some parents, they too can become slobbering, blissful, sleeping sacks of love that fulfill and enrich as they are enriched and fulfilled.
1 comment:
First of all, take of my pajama pants. They are my favorite ones and I was planning on wearing them tonight. (Seriously, I have the same ones). Secondly, Gordon is sooo cute and that is just the sweetest picture every.
I like your parallels and I loved the entry. While we are on the subject I haven't had a chance to touch base with you but let me just say that I must have been insane before, I can't believe I ever thought there was anything but perfection, and I am just beyond. I now you understand all of that code.
Good luck on the j-o-b. Call me.
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