Left you hanging, I did, about ol' Ruthie's follow-up with my paperwork. As you know, I told the director that Ruth and I were kaput. I was willing to go over her, under her or around her, but I refused to work with her from this point forward. The very next day after this conversation, I received copies of everything I had requested from Ruth 10 days prior along with the following love letter from Ruth:
I do apologize for the delay in getting this to you. When I told you by email, I would complete it, I thought I could but had some emergencies that had to be handled. Be assured that our agency will be there to assist you in whatever your needs are thru this process. As well as Peggy you can also contact Lillie as she is my assistant.
I think Ruth may have gotten an administrative backhand from Peggy the Meek. But I have no regrets! Even her apology sounds churlish to me. "I told you I would complete it but then I couldn't"? Was I just supposed to guess when it was done or keep rattling her cage until she sent me confirmation? I am not assured at all that they will be there to assist me and this latest folly only solidifies my opinion. I have visions of Russia knocking on my door asking where is the 5 month at-home update on B the G. And Ruth answering my queries with her usual "Oh I believe I sent them that. But then again maybe I didn't get to it. I may have had an emergency."
I can tell you this, I sure ain't going to contact Lillie, god bless her pointy little head, "for my needs thru this process". Ruth has an assistant and that's how she spells "through"? It's the director for me and my needs or I'm going straight to the Board. All these agencies have Boards with members who usually care about profits and service and reputation and such. And this one may or may not be appalled at Ruth's casual spelling habits and sub-par communication methods. But I've fooled around long enough. I love that line. Reminds me so much of my mother. And Bill Cosby. Let them hash it out who does the work. I do believe Ruth got a taste of Adoptra's whip of justice and I scored one for the good guys.
By the way, you should check this superhero site out if you are interested in giving your nemesis or hero a face. Or if you have kids. Or if you are yourself a big kid. It was very cathartic for me and exactly what I imagine Ruth looks like, baton and all, when she's not ignoring the plights of wanna-be mom's or hacking out misleading, deliberately ambiguous emails on her evil Computer of Malice .
Can I just say that I love reading your blog? I am soooo glad you finally cracked the whip on Ruth, the high haggess that she is - before I had to go kick her red-tape arse.
Big hugs and hoping you will be walking the floor at 3 am with a screaming baby soon!
Is Carolina, the haggas Carol? I have to agree with her. Your blog is the bloggiest. I LOVE it!!!!!
I'm glad you took care of Ruth the adolescent slackard dumbo girl.
I've seen you bust out the big guns and all I can is Ruth better duck! Send the letter Justin wrote. Just because slack Ruth has an apathetic boss doesn't mean the folks at the top don't care. There's a time for trying to work together as a team and it sounds like you come to end of it. In the immortal words of Popeye - I've had alls I can take and I cant takes no more - or I aint no doctor, but konws when I'm loosing my patients" Open up a can a Spinach on her ass.
Oh, and I love the dominatrix toons.
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